Over the last six years, as Executive Director of The Ray C. Anderson Foundation, I've written more than 220 articles on my Ecocentricity blog related to climate change and the environment.

In that time though, there's one environmental topic I haven't covered, and it carries a lot of personal meaning. That topic is creation care.

Why now to talk about my faith and how it fundamentally motivates me to care for the earth?

Because in these troubled times, with the COVID-19 virus rattling the societal structures we've established the world over, it is my faith that motivates me to passionately care about this pandemic. If you feel the same, I hope you enjoy reading this short piece. I would love to hear your thoughts.

John A. Lanier

John A. Lanier joined the Ray C. Anderson Foundation as executive director in 2013 to advance the legacy of Ray, his grandfather. The foundation’s mission is to further Anderson’s voice and vision through substantial investment in evolutionary practices and technologies, including the Biomimicry Launchpad, and The Ray, a unique stretch of highway used as a living laboratory for the evolving ideas and technology that will transform the transportation infrastructure of the future.