Israeli Startup Looks to Nature for Concrete Solution for Marine Infrastructure

Reprinted from Sustainable Brands

ECOncrete is one of nine companies that have been named finalists for the $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize to be awarded later this year by the Biomimicry Institute and the Ray C. Anderson Foundation.

ECOncrete has created a unique line of concrete solutions that enhance the biological and ecological value of urban, coastal and marine infrastructure; while increasing their strength and durability. With many World Oceans Day (June 8) events cancelled due to the COVID-19 lockdown, we can view this as an opportunity to reflect individually on how critical ocean health is to all of us — and what we can do to restore its resilience.

Coral reefs, oyster reefs, mangrove forests and rocky intertidal habitats are more than amazing, highly productive and diverse coastal ecosystems — they are also natural barriers that reduce risk and protect vulnerable coastal communities. However, with over 50 percent of the world’s population concentrated along coastal areas, severe stress on natural ecosystems is inevitable with this accelerated coastal development. Combined with growing threats of sea-level rise and increased storminess, coastlines around the world require development, retrofitting and intensive maintenance. Unfortunately, to date, coastal and marine infrastructure such as breakwaters, seawalls and piers have been designed and built with little or no consideration for marine life, leading to the poor ecological status of urban marine environments.

Read the full story from Sustainable Brands.
