Cringe Watching

By: John A. Lanier

The good folks at Tree Media produced this 20-minute film that both explains biomimicry and features many of the teams who have participated in the Biomimicry Launchpad and competed for our Ray of Hope Prize.

I always cringe when I listen to a recording of my voice or I watch a video of myself. I know this is a common thing – people frequently dislike the sound of their own voice. Apparently the leading explanatory theory is because when we talk, we normally hear both the sound waves carried through the air and vibrations from our vocal cords carried through our bodies. When we hear other people talk or a recording of ourselves, we only hear the sound waves through the air, which tend to have a higher pitch. That means that when we talk, we literally sound different to other people than we do to ourselves.

Anyway, I had that experience when I recently watched a video that I’m in. Here it is, and it’s a really great video notwithstanding my cringeworthy voice.

The good folks at Tree Media produced this 20-minute film that both explains biomimicry and features many of the teams who have participated in the Biomimicry Launchpad and competed for our Ray of Hope Prize. Janine Benyus plays a starring role, and for that reason alone you should give it a watch!

I won’t prattle on, because I really want you to spend time with the film. We are proud of it and think it shows the brilliance of these biomimicry entrepreneurs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
