Tracking and Activating Carbon Reductions in Georgia

The Georgia Tech School of Public Policy Climate Research Laboratory and the Drawdown Georgia Research Team is launching the first in a series of webinars on "Tracking and Activating Carbon Reduction Solutions in Georgia." This seminar will be a double hitter:

Jeff Mullen (Assoc. Prof., UGA) will discuss: "Assessing the Potential for Composting to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Large-Scale Waste Streams”. Dr. Mullen will describe the carbon emissions model that has been developed to estimate emissions associated with the disposal of biosolids in Georgia.

Jackie Mohan (Assoc. Prof., UGA) will discuss: “Afforestation and Silvopasture in Georgia: Background & Steps Forward.” Dr. Mohan will describe her research on the impact of past and future global changes on plant population dynamics & ecosystem carbon responses.

Please check out the flyer shown here, which has more information about the goals of this seminar series and the questions to be discussed.  Click on the flyer on the day of event to join.